BrainGrid Controller
Window creation
Calendar Integration

Window and Calendar Integration

This documentation describes how users can convert windows into calendar events, convert calendar events into windows and link multiple calendars.

Converting Windows and Calendar Events

Converting a Window into a Calendar Event

Users can convert a window into a calendar event to streamline scheduling and event management.


Given a user named "John Doe" with a window named "Team Meeting Window" that has fields "Title," "Date," and "Time":

  • Action: Select the option to convert "Team Meeting Window" into a calendar event.
  • Result: The "Team Meeting Window" is converted into a calendar event with the same details.

Converting a Calendar Event into a Window

Users can convert a calendar event into a window for detailed data entry and management.


Given a user named "John Doe" with a calendar event named "Project Deadline" that has details "Title," "Date," and "Time":

  • Action: Select the option to convert "Project Deadline" into a window.
  • Result: The "Project Deadline" event is converted into a window with the same details.

Linking Multiple Calendars

Users can link multiple calendars to have a consolidated view of events across different calendars.


Given a user named "John Doe" with calendars "Work Calendar" and "Personal Calendar":

  • Action: Link "Work Calendar" with "Personal Calendar."
  • Result: Events from "Work Calendar" are visible in "Personal Calendar" and vice versa.