BrainGrid Controller
Window creation
Menus and Windows

Menus and Windows


BrainGrid Controller allows users to manage menus,and windows within their application. This documentation provides details on viewing, expanding, and interacting with these elements.

Menus and Windows

Viewing All Menus and Windows

You can view all the available menus and windows in the BrainGrid controller.


Given a user named "John Doe" with access to the BrainGrid controller. When John Doe navigates to the BrainGrid controller, the menus and windows will be listed as follows:

HR ManagementEmployee Information, Payroll
InventoryProducts, Stock Management
FinanceAccounts Receivable, Budgeting

Expanding a Window and Viewing Columns and Constraints

Users can expand windows to view the associated columns and constraints. For example, the "Payroll" window under "HR Management" and the "Stock Management" window under "Inventory" have specific columns.


Given a user named "John Doe" viewing the BrainGrid controller:

  • Payroll (HR Management):

    • Columns: Employee ID, Name, Salary
  • Stock Management (Inventory):

    • Columns: Product ID, Product Name, Quantity

When John Doe expands these windows, the columns and constraints will be displayed as:

Employee ID

Dragging and Dropping to Change Positions

Users can drag and drop windows and menus to change their positions. This rearrangement will be reflected in the actual sidebar.

Basic Operations for Menus and Windows

Users can create, read, update and archive menus and windows in BrainGrid. This section outlines how these operations can be performed.


Creating a New Menu

Given a user named "John Doe" with access to the BrainGrid feature:

  • Action: Create a new menu named "HR Management."
  • Result: "HR Management" is added to the list of menus.


Creating a New Window

Given a user named "John Doe" with access to the BrainGrid feature:

  • Action: Create a new window named "Employee Information Window" with fields "Employee ID," "Name," and "Department."
  • Result: "Employee Information Window" is added to the list of windows.

Managing Quick Access to Windows

Pinning a Window for Quick Access

Users can pin a window to have quick access to frequently used forms.


Given a user named "John Doe" with a window named "Expense Report":

  • Action: Pin the window "Expense Report."
  • Result: "Expense Report" is available in the quick forms section.

Unpinning a Window from Quick Access

Users can unpin a window to remove it from the quick access section.


Given a user named "John Doe" with a pinned window named "Expense Report":

  • Action: Unpin the window "Expense Report."
  • Result: "Expense Report" is removed from the quick forms section.