BrainGrid Controller
Workflow Builder
Modify a Request Event

Modify Approval Event Setup

The Modify Approval Event feature allows users to configure events that modify existing approval requests. This feature supports configuring approval modifications with details such as title, description, menu, window, record setup, and assigned user. It ensures that modifications to approval requests are processed and assigned correctly.


This feature enables users to define events that modify approval requests for integrations or other processes. The configuration allows specifying details of the modification, including default values for the record field and the user to whom the approval request is assigned.

Configuring a Modify Approval Event

Configure Modify Approval Event

To set up an event that modifies an approval request:

  1. Title: Enter a descriptive title for the event.
  2. Description: Provide a description of the approval modification.
  3. Menu: Choose the menu where the form is located.
  4. Window: Select the window within the menu.
  5. Record Setup:
    • Field: Specify the field to be updated.
    • Default Values: Set the possible values for the field (e.g., Pending, Approved, Rejected).
  6. Assigned User: Enter the email address of the user to whom the approval request is assigned.


  1. Alice Johnson is setting up a "Modify Approval" event.
  2. Enter the following details:
    • Title: Modify Integration Approval
    • Description: Modify approval for integration
  3. Select:
    • Menu: Parameters And Unifications
    • Window: Third-Party Integrations
  4. Set up the record with:
    • Field: Status
    • Default Values: Pending, Approved, Rejected
  5. Assign the approval to:
    • User:
  6. Save the configuration.

Outcome: The Modify Approval event will be configured to modify the approval for integration, with the record field Status set to the default values and the approval assigned to the specified user.

Validate Modify Approval Configuration

To ensure the "Modify Approval" event is configured correctly:

  1. Action: Review the configured details.

Expected Outcome:

  • Alice Johnson should see the configured values for:
    • Title
    • Description
    • Menu
    • Window
    • Record Setup:
      • Field
      • Default Values
    • Assigned User

Trigger Modify Approval Event

To trigger the Modify Approval event:

  1. Action: Ensure the trigger conditions are met (e.g., record update or submission).

Expected Outcome:

  • The system should:
    • Set the record field to the default values.
    • Request approval.
    • Assign the approval request to the specified user.

Validate Modified Approval Request

To verify that the approval modification request was processed correctly:

  1. Action: Check the record details.

Expected Outcome:

  • The record should have the field set to the default values.
  • The approval request should be assigned to the specified user.
  • The approval modification request should be recorded in the system.


The Modify Approval Event Setup feature allows users to configure events that modify existing approval requests. With options to set titles, descriptions, menus, windows, record setups, and assigned users, this feature ensures that approval modifications are managed effectively and assigned as needed.