BrainGrid Controller
Workflow Builder
Report in PDF Event

Generate Report Event Setup

The Generate Report Event feature enables users to configure events for generating reports based on various inputs and templates. This feature allows setting up reports with different input types, such as Current, Constant, or Data Carry, and specifying who will update the report.


This feature supports setting up events that automate the generation of reports with specific configurations. Users can choose report templates, input types, and update settings to customize how and by whom reports are generated.

Configuring a Generate Report Event

Configure Generate Report Event with Current Input Type

To set up a "Generate Report" event with the Current input type:

  1. Menu: Select the menu where the report is located.
  2. Window: Choose the window within the menu.
  3. Template: Select the template for the report.
  4. Input Type: Choose "Current" for the input type.
  5. Updated By: Specify a specific user who will update the report.


  1. Alice Johnson is setting up a "Generate Report" event.
  2. Select the following configuration:
    • Menu: Animal Management Records
    • Window: Livestock Registration
  3. Choose a report template:
    • Template: Table Fields
  4. Select the input type as Current.
  5. Set the report to be updated by:
    • User: John Doe
  6. Save the configuration.

Outcome: The Generate Report event will be configured with the specified menu, window, template, input type, and the user designated to update the report.

Configure Generate Report Event with Constant Input Type

To set up a "Generate Report" event with the Constant input type:

  1. Menu: Select the menu where the report is located.
  2. Window: Choose the window within the menu.
  3. Template: Select the template for the report.
  4. Input Type: Choose "Constant" for the input type.
  5. Updated By: Specify that the report will be updated by the logged-in user.


  1. Alice Johnson is setting up a "Generate Report" event.
  2. Select the following configuration:
    • Menu: Health Records
    • Window: Veterinary Services
  3. Choose a report template:
    • Template: Health Report Template
  4. Select the input type as Constant.
  5. Set the report to be updated by:
    • User: Logged In User
  6. Save the configuration.

Outcome: The Generate Report event will be configured with the specified menu, window, template, input type, and the logged-in user who will update the report.

Configure Generate Report Event with Data Carry Input Type

To set up a "Generate Report" event with the Data Carry input type:

  1. Menu: Select the menu where the report is located.
  2. Window: Choose the window within the menu.
  3. Template: Select the template for the report.
  4. Input Type: Choose "Data Carry" for the input type.
  5. Updated By: Specify a specific user who will update the report.


  1. Alice Johnson is setting up a "Generate Report" event.
  2. Select the following configuration:
    • Menu: Performance Data
    • Window: Annual Review
  3. Choose a report template:
    • Template: Performance Summary
  4. Select the input type as Data Carry.
  5. Set the report to be updated by:
    • User: Jane Smith
  6. Save the configuration.

Outcome: The Generate Report event will be configured with the specified menu, window, template, input type, and the user designated to update the report.

Validate Generate Report Configuration

To validate the Generate Report configuration:

  1. Action: Review the configured details.

Expected Outcome:

  • Alice Johnson should see the configured values for:
    • Menu
    • Window
    • Template
    • Input Type
    • Updated By

Trigger Generate Report Event

To trigger the Generate Report event:

  1. Action: Ensure the trigger conditions are met (e.g., user clicks the generate button).

Expected Outcome:

  • The system should generate the report with the configured settings in PDF format.


The Generate Report Event Setup feature allows users to configure automated report generation with various input types and templates. By specifying menu options, window selections, templates, and update settings, users can ensure that reports are generated according to their requirements and preferences.