BrainGrid Controller
Workflow Builder
File Trigger

File Trigger Setup

File Triggers enable the Workflow Management module to react to changes in files, such as additions, modifications, or deletions. This feature allows users to automate workflows based on file events in both internal and external file locations.


File Triggers can be configured to monitor specific directories or locations for various file-related events. By setting up these triggers, users can ensure that workflows are executed in response to changes in files, whether they are added, modified, or deleted.

Configuring File Triggers

Configure File Trigger for Internal Destination

To configure a File Trigger for internal file additions:

  1. Title: Provide a descriptive title for the trigger.
  2. Description: Explain the purpose of the trigger.
  3. Trigger Method: Select Add.
  4. File Location: Specify the internal directory to monitor.


  • Title: Internal File Add Trigger
  • Description: Trigger for adding files internally
  • Trigger Method: Add
  • File Location: /internal/uploads

Outcome: The File Trigger will be set to monitor the internal directory "/internal/uploads" for added files.

Configure File Trigger for External Destination

To configure a File Trigger for external file modifications:

  1. Title: Provide a descriptive title for the trigger.
  2. Description: Explain the purpose of the trigger.
  3. Trigger Method: Select Modify.
  4. File Location: Specify the external URL or directory to monitor.


Outcome: The File Trigger will be set to monitor the external directory " (opens in a new tab)" for modified files.

Configure File Trigger for File Deletion

To configure a File Trigger for internal file deletions:

  1. Title: Provide a descriptive title for the trigger.
  2. Description: Explain the purpose of the trigger.
  3. Trigger Method: Select Delete.
  4. File Location: Specify the internal directory to monitor.


  • Title: Internal File Delete Trigger
  • Description: Trigger for deleting files internally
  • Trigger Method: Delete
  • File Location: /internal/trash

Outcome: The File Trigger will be set to monitor the internal directory "/internal/trash" for deleted files.

Validating File Triggers

To validate the configuration of a File Trigger:

  1. Review Configuration: Ensure all fields are correctly filled with appropriate values.
  2. Check Trigger Method: Confirm that the correct trigger method is selected.
  3. Verify File Location: Make sure the correct file location is specified for monitoring.

Validation Checklist:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Trigger Method
  • File Location

Verifying File Trigger Activation

Verify File Add Trigger for Internal Destination

To verify the activation of an internal file add trigger:

  1. Trigger: Add a file to the monitored internal directory.
  2. Expected Outcome:
    • The File Trigger should be activated.
    • The configured workflow should be executed.

Verify File Modify Trigger for External Destination

To verify the activation of an external file modify trigger:

  1. Trigger: Modify a file in the monitored external directory.
  2. Expected Outcome:
    • The File Trigger should be activated.
    • The configured workflow should be executed.

Verify File Delete Trigger for Internal Destination

To verify the activation of an internal file delete trigger:

  1. Trigger: Delete a file from the monitored internal directory.
  2. Expected Outcome:
    • The File Trigger should be activated.
    • The configured workflow should be executed.


File Triggers in the Workflow Management module enable automation based on file events in both internal and external locations. By configuring and validating these triggers, users can ensure that workflows react appropriately to file additions, modifications, and deletions, streamlining file management and process automation.