BrainGrid Controller
Workflow Builder
SMS Event

SMS Notification

SMS Notifications enable automated messaging through SMS services like Twilio. This functionality allows you to configure SMS notifications, validate credentials, set up message details, and ensure the correct operation of SMS triggers in workflows.


The SMS Notification feature integrates with SMS providers like Twilio to send text messages based on workflow events. Configuration includes setting up provider credentials, specifying message details, and validating settings.

Configuring SMS Notifications

Configure SMS Notification with Twilio Account Setup

To set up an SMS Notification using Twilio:

  1. Account SID: Enter the Twilio Account SID.
  2. Auth Token: Provide the Twilio Auth Token.
  3. Admin Phone Number: Specify the admin's phone number for notifications.


  1. Configure the "SMS Notification" on the workflow canvas.
  2. Enter the Twilio account details:
    • Auth Token: your_auth_token_here
    • Admin Phone Number: +1234567890
  3. Save the configuration.

Outcome: The SMS Notification will be configured with the provided Twilio account details and admin phone number.

Validate SMS Notification Credentials

To ensure the SMS Notification credentials are correct:

Action: Click on "Validate Credentials" for the Twilio account.

Expected Outcome:

  • A confirmation that the credentials are valid will be displayed.
  • You will be able to proceed with configuring SMS messages if the validation is successful.

Configure SMS Message Details

To set up the SMS message details:

  1. Receiver Numbers: Enter the phone numbers that will receive the SMS.
  2. SMS Message: Specify the content of the SMS message.


  1. Configure the "SMS Notification" on the workflow canvas.
  2. Set up SMS message details:
    • Receiver Numbers: +1234567890, +1987654321
    • SMS Message: Your appointment is tomorrow.
  3. Save the configuration.

Outcome: The SMS Notification will be set up to send messages to the specified numbers with the provided message content.

Send SMS Notification Triggered by Workflow

To trigger the SMS Notification based on a workflow event:

  1. Given: The "SMS Notification" is configured and the workflow is active.
  2. When: The trigger conditions are met.

Expected Outcome:

  • SMS messages should be sent to the specified receiver numbers with the configured message:
    • Receiver Numbers: +1234567890, +1987654321
    • SMS Message: Your appointment is tomorrow.


The SMS Notification functionality allows for automated text messaging through services like Twilio, including configuration of account details, message settings, and validation of credentials to ensure accurate and timely communication.